Be the Light

There’s No Time Like Now to Shine

By Sarah Stokes

Photo by sarah stokes (taken at her favorite place - her family’s lake cabin)

Photo by sarah stokes (taken at her favorite place - her family’s lake cabin)

Maybe you’re like me. You’ve got so many plans and ideas swirling and there may be projects you want to create and bring to the world. You were inspired and ready or already making it happen… 

And boom. 

The panic and fear of this virus crisis hits and it may feel like the rug is being pulled out from under you.

You don’t want to give into the fear. You feel safe, yet wonder if you’re the crazy one for not panicking. You trust all will be well. Your faith is strong. You were staying optimistic and yet your news feeds, friends, inbox, workplace, school, community, and grocery stores were full of fear and panic. Your optimism is tested by the hour. 

Your logical brain seeing the data can’t put it together with the reality of what other humans are choosing to do.

You start to question yourself every time you open social media.

Your loved ones call and ask, “Are you still going to do ______(fill in the blank with whatever you had planned) that?”

Now schools are closing and you are counting rolls of toilet paper and wondering what to do about work.

You honestly don’t know what to believe any more.

You are not alone. There are countless other souls who feel the same.

So what can we do?

Choose kindness. Small acts of love can add up.

Be the light on social media. This is free and it is priceless. 

Listen to your heart and soul. Stop and breathe. Breathe deeply into your heart and put your hand over your heart as you relax into your body and ask your soul what it wants you to know. Then listen and don’t judge what comes up. When you’re relaxed into yourself, your inner wisdom can shine through. Sometimes it’s so important it will bring you to tears.

I am blessed to have learned this from many of the wise souls I’ve chosen to surround myself with over the past six years of my life. 

I know now that my purpose is to share love and light in the world. It always has been. Today, I was listening to my soul in the same way I described above and this article needed to come forth. My fingers are flying across the keys, my kids are magically honoring my time on the computer, because there is a light that needs to shine right now. You are reading this because I listened to my heart and now I need you to listen to yours, too.

There are things that will come from your heart’s wisdom that will scare you. That’s ok. We’re all feeling the same. Any time you choose to be the light it’s an act of courage. Thank you for that. I know it’s not easy to choose love over fear in this climate.

If you were in the midst of an inspired project before today…don’t stop. If you want to create something that you thought of this morning…do it. We need your gifts.

We need you. We all need you to follow your heart, listen to your soul, and be the light. 

Shine bright. Whatever that means to you right now, shine so bright. Bring love into the world in your own unique way. You are not alone. Your light matters. I love you. Thank you.